marți, 9 martie 2010

Cum sa devii agent secret?

Pentru a deveni agent secret trebuie sa ai 30 de zile.Dai click pe M din coltul de sus din dreapta si raspunzi la urmatoarele intrebari cu raspunsurile date mai jos:

1.Are you ready to become a Secret Agent?
Raspuns: Yes

2.Pick one quality that you think a Secret Agent should have?
Raspuns: Honest

3.Pick the correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator.
Raspuns: Being mean or rude

4.What would you do if you saw a penguin breaking the rules?
Raspuns: Report them

5.Which type of personal information should be reported.
Raspuns: Saying their address

6.Pick one reason why you want to be a Secret Agent.
Raspuns: I want to keep Club Penguin safe

7.Pick another reason why do you want to be a Secret Agent.
Raspuns: I want to help other penguins.

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